Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cass... Now THIS is the beach!

Just wanted you to see what a REAL beach looks like, not our bug-infested, tar-stained, stinky-sand, murky-watered gulf! I will post more in a bit! But wanted you to see that we are HERE! See the water, Cass... It is BLUE! See the sand, Cass... it is WHITE! I even brought some home! Love you!

Here are the updates... Beautiful Beaches!
And my toes actually THERE on the beach!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beat the Heat...

With E out of town... and constant cartoons on TV... and the HEAT outside... I have to come up with a way to keep T busy and both of us cool! Granted I don't get a ton of stuff done... but he is ONE happy little man! And can I say... one happy little man with NO fear!

Any one else have THIS problem... You say smile and you get either one of these views! He used to run and say, "NO CHEESE! NO CHEESE, MOMMY!"
Lights Out!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

May/June as told by my camera card...

Wow... I think that this is the absolute BEST way to take care of this update! By going through the photos that I have taken! None of these have been touched up... they are what they are! And just a warning... this post is LOOOOOOOOONG! Give up now if you don't want to see it!

I actually got to SEE E's band concert this year... Isn't she adorable! She just LOVES playing the flute, and she is really good at it! Chuck and I have NO clue where that talent comes from... because we can't play a NOTE to save ourselves! She did an amazing little trio to boot!
Next we headed to the Big D to celebrate the marriage of my dearest cousin... She actually got married back in September in a civil ceremony, so this was the chapel ceremony. How funny to announce that she will be having GREAT-grandchild #15 this November! We wish her little Kiwi (her husband is from New Zealand) a happy entry into this world! While celebrating... I managed to get some amazing photos (some Chuck took too) of our wonderful little family! The two dapper gentlemen are my 96 year-old grandfather and his baby (92) brother!
We wound up May with a trip to my parents' house and FINALLY got to get the ski into the water! This is the first time E was allowed to ride it by herself! Chuck thought it would be "fun" to splash MOM! Nice... T wasn't all that impressed with the ski, so he plucked golf balls into the lake! We need to get that boy a driver! Go Daddy... GO!

They also welcomed the newest member of their family... Bandit! Isn't he adorable?
We spent a very relaxing week at Chuck's sister's fishing camp to celebrate Chuck's 39th birthday! I think I did better catching photos than I did catching fish!
Left E there for a few weeks, so we took T bowling... Check out that FORM!
Worked on the next phase of my scrap studio... I am so loving IKEA about now! Next is my desk... then my library cabinet! This is the studio of my DREAMS! Thanks baby!... and finally Chuck and T found the coolest moth ever. Anyone know what this is? Look at the SIZE of that thing... that is Chuck's hand!
Sorry for the randomness and LENGTH of this post! But you have been asking for an update for a while! Here you go!

Lights Out!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Yep, I am alive and kicking... I have updates... fun ones... just need to do them! Give me a bit, and I will update the HECK out of you!