Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Time out... you can't expect me to have TWO children going through TWO different major life stages in one day and be OK with it! I am just not sure I am ok! But they are adorable doing it! This is first thing this morning! The first shot is in our front yard! Here we are at school. We have a tradition of taking this shot before EVERY school year! I have EIGHT of them! This is staged shots of E climbing the big ole stairs to Middle School, and T heading into his classroom! We beat the teacher, but he didn't stay! And we all know I am a sucker for those butt shots! Here they are walking down the hallway! I think I have a better one, but I haven't fixed it yet! Definitely will be having a drink when I get home! I am exhausted! But this will be a great year of school... for all of us! I can just feel it!

Lights Out!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Pure Randomness..

Ok, so you think it is genetics, or are you just surprised that I might have anything to genetically pass on to my dear sweet child... Look what SHE did!
Found a fun ribbon at Mike's the other day... yeah, I am HIGHLY aware that I do not need any ribbon! But, at the exact moment that my eyes hit it, I came up with an idea... THIS idea... One of my fave layouts at this moment!Have a class at Maridawn's at the end of the month! Simply Boys! We will get to make THESE... some fun new techniques and bringing some old ones back!
My little man conquered his fears... climbed the wall! Got this high, smiled, and said he did it! I was so proud of him...
And finally... Does she KNOW that she now will have to do this for the REST of her life! People will expect it of her! Not me, I do it as little as possible! Am I really ready for all this to start?
Entirely TOO much thinking for ONE day!

Lights Out!
