Not Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall, but Track, Band, and Baseball! That is what has been keeping us busy as a family. And what a great thing that is! Loads of photos, loads of traveling, loads of sunburns, and just good ole' fashion family time!
Track... If you saw the progression before these photos, you would see E kicking it into gear to pass that girl from a rival school to become THIRD in conference for the 8th grade 1600 (that is an entire mile for those of us less "track minded"). She ran that mile in 6 minutes and 27 seconds! Phew! I can't run to my car in under ten minutes!

Band... almost done with it... not sure if it will continue through high school. It is up to her, I won't push it, but I love hearing her play! This was from the big "finale" at a local college auditorium! It was an impressive afternoon filled with music from our bands, choirs, and orchestras.

Baseball... Little League is half way done, but T was picked up for a local Select Ball team, so I am pretty sure we are in it for the "Boys of Summer!" Coach says he is turning into a pretty good little ball player... I just blush and press the shutter button on my camera! DUH! I KNOW he is good! :) If you want to fund his team through his "Bat-A-Thon" let me know! :)

Off to find the aloe for the shoulders and prepare for it to start all over again tomorrow! Wouldn't change it for the world!
Lights Out!