Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Just a fun little project... I actually got the idea from Susan, but altered it a tad! I LOVE ghosts... these are made with the Starbucks frap bottles, spray painted the tops (Chuck did) glued down the googly eyes, and wrapped them with cheese cloth strips! I DID find out, that I am NOT a frap drinker... GAG! I will stick to DP!

It seems like they all have their own little personality! But they did pose nicely for the camera!

I will post my "plethora" of layouts from the weekend's crop in a bit! I want to retake the photos of them! I got SEVEN done!

Lights Out!


Lyn said...

Those are boo-tiful!! I saw some of your MANY layouts on the site... fantastic work this weekend! So sad I missed it! :(

Cassie said...

They are soo stinkin CUTE!!!! Adorable job my dear.