Wednesday, January 30, 2008

February at GBC

OK, I know I am biased about the kits at Go.Be.Creative, but Lainey has really hit the mark with this month's Rosemary Kit! You can check out the new kit, sign up to get it to come to your door, and come hang out at the site!

I had a blast playing with it. Here is what I got done! I have ONE more to go, but kids, homework, dinner, etc kinda pulled me away from the table!



and my Valentine's for my loves

I also created a canvas class using this month's kit. You can check it out HERE on the site's blog. If you make the canvas this month, your name will go into a hat, if you use this month's kit, your name goes in the hat TWICE!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

TAGGED... again!

Lainey tagged here it goes...

Here are the rules:

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name).

3. After you are tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and your answers.

4. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and that they need to read your blog for details.)

My middle name: Brooke

B - Bashful... I really am! Once I know you though, you won't get me to shut up!

R - Romantic (hopeless actually)... Luckily I am married to someone that buys into it on most days!

O - Optimistic... I do try to look for the best in people... and sometimes I actually even find it! See... glass is always HALF-FULL!

O - Ornery... Because CASSIE said so!

K - Kooky... There are just little things that I wonder about my own self sometimes.

E - Energetic... a definite morning AND night person! And when I get that second wind... watch out!

I am tagging the following SIX people:

Cassie, Lyn Marie, Jeanne, Gretchen, Amy, and Lisa!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Give it a shot...

My "For the LOVE of Canvas" class has been posted over at the GBC Blog! Check it out HERE! I hope you decide to give it a shot! They are FUN to make, and so easy too!

I never got around to posting these lovelies... Yep... that is Mom and me with Stacy Croninger of Paper Crafts and Elizabeth Kartchner, CK's Scrapbooker of the Year!
I have tons of projects, layouts, and cards to upload... maybe I can do that tomorrow! Progress reports go out tomorrow, so I am under a timing crunch! Off to grade more essays!
Lights Out!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Whatcha think?

I made this place a NEW banner... thanks to the friendly people over at Flickr... found the letters I liked and pieced them all together!

While we were at Mom's over the New Year I took the kids out for some individual photo shoots! Then Miss Cassie walked me through some steps in Photoshop... so... now I have really fun shots for the frames over my bed!

This is E's TWELVE year old shot...
This is one of the non-goofy shots of T... The one I actually framed I don't have on this computer! Not sure why!
And I caught T checking out the sites with his new binoculars! Can't wait to scrap THIS one!
It is on the tail end of hump day... only two more days of the week... And one week from Friday Mom and I are CKC bound! I can't wait! A full day of scrapping, learning, shopping, playing, and Mom!

Lights Out!


Tuesday, January 08, 2008


OK, two years in a row Ali Edwards has done her word post. It really is quite overwhelming... last year TOO much. This year, I perused the list and decided to just watch what Ali et al does with these words... until ACCEPT popped off of my screen! It really didn't look any different than any of the other words at first glance, but it seemed to be following me throughout the list!

So... I am going to attempt to ACCEPT this year!

I need to ACCEPT that:

I am NOT neat! I love to organize, but have problems staying organized

I will always have to work! I will never be able to be a stay-at-home-mom/scrapper...

I can not scrap 24/7! I have a life, love, kids, that need me more than my photos sometimes!

I have to work hard at being a great teacher! Kids change... I need to focus on learning not just teaching!

I am the best mom that I know how to be! I don't always do it right, but I always have their interest at heart!

I am the best wife that I know how to be! And I will always be loved for that.

I am me! I will always be me, and this is who I am as a person.

I can not change things! As much as I try, there are things in this world that I can just not change! I do not have powers to fix the things that are beyond my immediate "world!"

And I will learn to ACCEPT this for all that I am! And I am OK with this!

Lights Out!

Friday, January 04, 2008

The BIG Sixteen...

This happened SIXTEEN years ago today! What a whirlwind of years it has been! I love you, Baby!
Wasn't completely using my head when I told E that she could have a friend spend the night! Oh well... Then we are ordering pizza... the funny thing... there is a story in there! We didn't get anything to eat at our reception, so we called room service as soon as we got to the hotel! It was closed and Dominoes was the ONLY thing that would deliver! Our very first "meal" as a married couple... Pizza... so I think it is great that that is what we are having tonight! Ahhh
Lights Out!