Coming out from a deep dark hole...
in the middle of the Earth somewhere. I know it has been ages since you have last heard/read dribble flowing from my fingertips. Some of you may actually have been rejoicing... if that is the case, why do you come to see if it is there? I digress!
I do check my blog list almost daily, and I am constantly unnerved at the many of you all that rarely update your blogs. I need that info to keep me going! Once again, I digress... but... seriously, how many of you all NEED my updates to keep you going! You all ARE my addiction! But then, after reading your blogs, I start to realize what a boring mundane world I actually live in. For me... not so boring, in fact, I love it, just can't keep up with it! Have you all ever read The Pioneer Woman's blog? OMG... you will never come back to my world after reading hers! Her link is over there ----> Check her out! But please come back here and do not expect that level of entertainment from me! I don't have that much going on!
So... what has been going on? You would think after 24 days of not hearing from me, I would have so much to post... not so much!
Kidlet # 1 ~ Track season is over! Isn't she adorable? She came in fifth in conference for the 1200! That is 3/4 of a mile, and she ran it in 4:54 Not her best time, but I am NOT going to persuade any of you to think otherwise... how many of you can run three laps around a football field in that time, and barely break a sweat OR sound like a prank call in the middle of the night? I can't! She can! And do it well!

Kidlet #2 ~ He is just skating through life on the heals of his bigger sister. Basically, where ever she goes or needs to go, he is right there! He spends more time at her activities than any five year old needs to! However, knowing that he isn't the only younger sibling in this world, there are probably multitudes for him to converse with! Can we say group therapy?
He was able to go on a field trip to our aquarium with his class, and I got to chaperone! Not often when I get excited about going on a school bus full of people under the age of, say THIRTY, and enjoy it! However, look at this guy...

On top of that, it is National Poetry Month, and we hit it full force! The day before our trip, I fill my classroom with the kids, their poetry books, AND THEIR PARENTS! Why I do this... because the parents LOVE it! 48 kids, 24 poems a piece, scrapbooking... Yep, that is 1,152 poems I read in a matter of a month! All student written!
And... have you SEEN Go. Be. Creative's May kit! It is LUSCIOUS! The papers are amazing enough, but then the stamp? Wow! The add ons? Wow! But even more... Tam's Whatchamadoodles journaling boxes! WAY WOW! Click on the site's name and you can see the journaling spots!

OK, now if THAT isn't enough of an update... then go read Ree's stuff on The Pioneer Woman!
Lights Out!