OK... Growing up I always thought my initials were super cool! ABC! Pretty cool, right? Am I the only one that really thinks about initials... apparently NOT! Well, getting married, I am now ABM... and on my wedding day, my precious baby brother informed me that I was now A Bowel Movement! Isn't he adorable? So for the past fifteen years, I cringed at my initials... until NOW! Whack me over the head, but I always put LOST in a Blond Moment for my location on all my boards (yes there is a rambling point here)! Hello! A Blond Moment has the initials of ABM! Once again... my initials are COOL! Fitting aren't they?
Race day is right around the corner! May 1st starts the very first day of The Amazing Scrap Race at Scrappy Arts and boy are we stoked! Lots of cool sponsors, and the Team list is just getting longer every day! It is not too late to sign up! Like I said... PRIZES + Scrapping + Friendships = GREAT TIMES!
I had an epiphany one day last month, and it has really relieved some major scrap related stress. When I shop for paper, I usually end up grabbing multiple papers from each line that I fall in love with (yes there are paper lines that I skip). And then stare at a layout for DAYS because I just don't know what to do with all the different patterns, embellishments, photos, etc. I do not like cluttered layouts... remember all those vintage layouts... they KILLED me! any way... back to my epiphany! Simple Scrapbooks! I found that by just using one or two patterns as an accent, a little grouping of some embellishments, my photo really stands out! And I can do a layout in half of the time! I know... you knew this already! But for me, it was a break through! And I have also decided... who cares if the paper is older than a month? Use it! Will we really KNOW in ten years that when we finally used those papers they weren't the LATEST? NO! Now I am a scrapping fool! And I love it again!
OK, not sure anyone should/could have to face this many Blond Moments coming from one poor soul, so I am done for now! I leave you with the results of my epiphany, and a quickie little clipboard that I made for a door prize!

This was for a challenge at SA. I am not happy with it, as I screwed up the sewing and had to move that 07 up to the top, it was planned for the bottome! Supplies:1. Bazzill CS 2 MME floral (solid pink from back) 3. MME striped 4. Chipbard tag 5. sewing

T has this strong desire to be a garbage man. He gets us out of bed every garbage day to watch and wave at the trucks, has EVERY toy garbage truck we have found... and I just LOVE this photo of him playing with one!Journaling... a fireman? a lawyer? an astronaut? a doctor? NO... a garbage man is your career choice ~ age 4 ~ april 2007Supplies:Bazzill Crate Paper CS QK Tangerine and Vixen White sharpie Pressed Petals chipboard letters

This is a little 6X6 clipboard from Pine Cone press... Supplies: ALL SCRAPS! Scenic Route PP Bazzill CS Heidi Swapp chipboard Bazzill florals MM brads random ribbon (American Crafts and Michaels) White sharpie
Lights Out...
Cute projects. I know what you mean about using older papers, man if I didnt use stuff older than a month I would bever scrap, most of my stuff is older than a year. Sad but true.
I have to say I've only been scrapping for a year and ahalf so my stuff isn;t old by MY standards. But I am realizing there are some out there, that would be so totally appalled by how *old* some of my stuff is!!! Oh well!!
As for initials, mine are BAB. I think that's pretty cute. My son is IMP. He adores that! He has freinds who have called him imp and a special freind who gave him those wood names fromt he amll and it is impy with a star on it. Very sweet!
hehehe ABM. I'm gonna giggle every time I see that now.
Oh,remember there are some really right brainers out there which can lead to some very busy LO's! It's all about defining and finding your style!
I'm a nurse and ABM does not bring to my mind the bowel thing, imagine that!
A Blonde Moment, perfect! Just perfect! Did you let your brother know?
Ahhh, sweet wireless high speed!
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