Friday, October 26, 2007

7 Random Things Tag...

I've been tagged by Gretchen :-)
Here are the rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

My random things...
1. I collect snowmen... I put them out the day after Thanksgiving and don't put them away until the end of January)
2. I hate to clothes shop.
3. I can eat pecans ALL DAY! Love them, but really not any other nuts!
4. I like peanut butter, but can't stand peanuts
5. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!
6. I moved 11 times in the first 18 years of my life!
7. I finally had my baseline mammogram yesterday! YOU SHOULD TOO! It is easier than people say, and a good thing for women to do!

I tag: Cassie, Jeanne, Lisa, Lyn, Jan, Bev, Denise, and You (because everyone should get to play!!!).

Happy weekend... do something fun, scrappy, photographic! But most of all, just have FUN!

Lights Out!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

An Early Halloween OR...

a five-year-old tired of getting his photo taken? You be the judge... ME? I know the real reason! Gotta love 'em

Lights Out!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Check out my ----->

Isn't Cassie the BESTEST! I created a Flick'R account but could NOT for the likes of me, figure out how to get it ON my blog!

Love you girl!

Lights Out!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Crop'n good time...

Since school started, I had seemed to have lost my mojo... then came the Crop'n-at-the-lake! I got SEVEN layouts completed! I was a scrapping machine! Now my mojo is back, and I can't wait to get into the studio when I get home every day!

Here are the layouts I completed...

I am trying to hook up a flick'r account to house all my "wares" Be patient... or help me out! I really should list all the goodies I used to create these, but as you will notice... some of the stuff is extremely old! I just wanted to be able to tell Chuck that I am using this stuff that I am so good at collecting! 'Journey' was a sketch challenge from Sketch This site (great sketch site by the way) and "Utwo" was a Scrap By Numbers challenge! I was only allowed to use 2+ patterned papers, a monogram, and my own handwriting, and I got an "easy" pull! "Jack" and "Just Be" were for my October class at the store, "Adore U" was a free for all grab of my supplies and just see what I could put together! I was pleased! The other two... I actually planned out ahead of time!
OK, off to figure out the flick'r...
Lights Out!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Guess I better learn something about basketball...

Little Miss just made the team! She has been talking about this since the THIRD grade! After not making the volleyball team, I was NOT looking forward to today! The list was just posted and she is a Player! Phew!

I am so proud of her! We have three more track meets coming up... she made the top ten girls for MS, so she is running on Saturday! I am not sure where all this is coming from, but... she is so focused! And it is ALL her!

Love you baby!

Lights out!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Just a fun little project... I actually got the idea from Susan, but altered it a tad! I LOVE ghosts... these are made with the Starbucks frap bottles, spray painted the tops (Chuck did) glued down the googly eyes, and wrapped them with cheese cloth strips! I DID find out, that I am NOT a frap drinker... GAG! I will stick to DP!

It seems like they all have their own little personality! But they did pose nicely for the camera!

I will post my "plethora" of layouts from the weekend's crop in a bit! I want to retake the photos of them! I got SEVEN done!

Lights Out!