This is CRAZY!
I know I haven't posted in ages! I haven't READ blogs in ages! In fact, I haven't talked to my mom in what seems like ages! And we usually talk 2-3 times a DAY!
Life just got crazy, not really complicated, but definitely crazy!
School started, my MIL got sick, life continues! I just seem like I am whining!
The kids did start school with a bang! They are both having a blast. T loves his new teacher and is finding new friends! E is enjoying 7th grade (although maybe not having her own mom as her 1st period teacher), and took to cross country again this year! Man that Monkey is fast!

My MIL is doing better, they have her in a rehab hospital and we hope to have her home within the next few weeks. Her spirits are much better than we can hope for. She just wants to come home.
I actually scrapped this past weekend, for no one but ME! It was truly fun! And the layouts are not outstanding, but I scrapped, and I love the monkey face in them!

That is all I can think of for now!
Lights Out!
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