Play Break!
Not that I have chosen this... but I have been TOLD to! And it is boring... I am sitting on the couch watching Julie & Julia, and writing this very depressing blog post! See... NO PLAY!
Wednesday, I had the pleasure of having a myelogram... basically, they lay you on your stomach and shove long needles in your back and put a fun little dye contrast into you and see what part of your nerves are being effected! Sounds like fun right? Sure... they tell you that you might have a headache afterwards but to drink plenty of liquids and lie FLAT for 12 hours. Flat... does not equal scrapping, playing with kids, or anything else for that matter!
Next day, I decide to head back to school and enjoy my life... then the battle axe side swipes my head and I have no idea what is happening. Nurse calls, says to drink more and lie down. OK, so when I go to the doctor on Friday for my pre-op I would ask if it was normal... apparently NOT! I am back on my stomach for something called a "blood patch" They apparently "knicked" something while they were inserting the dye and I was leaking spinal fluid which caused the spinal headache! So they take 20cc of my blood and shove it back into my spinal canal to heal their "knick!" Now... I am watching Julie&Julia, and not scrapping... Thanks for the fun!
E is at a friends, the boys are at baseball, I have finished two novels, a magazine and graded half of my diagramming tests... and NOW have written probably the most boring blog post in the history of A Blonde Moment! And in one week and one day I will turn 41 AND have back surgery!
So... for now... I am sure after being on my back for a week, you can have plenty more of these boring posts!
Lights Out!
WOW!! Alicia!!! Hope everything gets better for you and soon. Will be thinking of you.
This may show up and look like it is coming from Larry, but of course, it is me Laura. Hope you are feeling better. Know you are ready to get this over with. Let me know if you need anything.
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