At the edge of your seat?
I know you all have been DYING to see all these photos I have been promising... Well, don't want to disappoint you one bit! Below see the images of T's Valentine's box! Not a stitch of pink or purple was to go onto this box! I wrapped the box and cut the hole in the top. Using my anitquated MM foam stamps, T and I stamped his name on the box... then I left the room. Next thing I know, Chuck and T are talking skulls and crossbones! Tim Holtz to the rescue! They painted them metallic black and used steel wool to add the red. He is so proud of his "Guy Box!"
Then... since I wasn't really allowed to do anything active, I decided to make 25 of these bad boys! I took a 6X6 piece of cardstock, rolled them into rolls and cross pinched the ends at cross angles to make little pillow pockets. Used my crimper to crimp the ends (helped with the glue) and added tags! I used EYELETS! There are lollipops and Hershey kisses stuffed into each pocket, and T added the names of his classmates to the tags! Doesn't it remind you of those Minute Maid popsicles from when we were kids? Man, those were good!
I can barely imagine him as almost 8... stop growing up Little Man! He does have the grumpy old man look down pat!
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