Monday, April 16, 2007

Lookie Lookie

Look what Chuck did! He built the frame around my French doors this weekend! There is a little shelf with a rim on the top so that I can showcase stuff! Isn't he amazing? For now, I have my M's up there! Once I get the shelf for my antique cameras, I plan on moving them to that wall! But for now, I just couldn't wait to get stuff up there! It is AWESOME!

We had our spring carnival yesterday. Being the "cool" teacher that I am... HA and the fact that I can never say NO, I spent an hour of my Sunday in a dunking booth! It was SIXTY TWO degrees! It was a lot of fun, and I made more money than any of the other teachers... is that a complement? I don't know... but it was COLD! My legs are killing me from climbing in and out of the tank! Some moms took photos, so I will be sure to share my misery with you all!
This will be a busy week! Our nephew is getting married! He was OUR ring bearer, and he asked T to do that for them! It is just such a feel good moment! Chuck is one of the groomsmen as well! Speaking of HIM... he has had a little secret up his sleeve for a few weeks, and he finally told me about it yesterday! My ALL time fave novel is To Kill A Mockingbird. and unbeknownst to me... the play version is in town! I am going to the theatre! Isn't he awesome? We have our April date downtown watching this play! I feel SO grown up! tee hee He really does know me!
OK... one day I may actually write in this like a true writer! I do write... really well actually, but from my past blog posts... that doesn't seem possible!
Lights Out!


Cassie said...

that looks AMAZING!!!!! What a guy.

and man I would've paid to have alex come dunk you. LOL

Lisa said...

looks great! So jealous!

Anonymous said...

that doorframe totally rocks!! what a fabulous idea!! the room is really coming together!!

Anonymous said...

that doorframe totally rocks!! what a fabulous idea!! the room is really coming together!!

Anonymous said...

that doorframe totally rocks!! what a fabulous idea!! the room is really coming together!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

okay, i'm a goon, i posted 50 times!! oops!!

Anonymous said...

He did an awesome job!! I love the letters on the shelf. I can't wait to see it when it's all done. When can I come and scrap??