Thursday, November 01, 2007


And some scrapping too!

I have decided that "rushing" is crazy... E had bball practice until 6:30, so Chuck and she didn't get home until 7PM. Kids were already ringing the doorbell, T was trying to get dressed, I had to shove food into both of them, and we finally got the pumpkins carved! Chuck usually does the pumpkins, but he pulled carpool duty... I think I did pretty well! Whatcha think? These kits are great!

Also got some "rough" photos of the kids with their costumes... Aren't they just adorable?

And... I got TWO layouts done last Sunday! Finally got shots of them both! I am not sure how it happened, but one of them has absolutely NO patterned paper on it! I am pretty pleased with them both! I am feeling more "at home" with this new style that I have seemed to fit into!

Lights Out!


Cassie said...

The kids look AWESOME!!!! and your pumkins too. You dida great job.

Musicmom-Amy said...

You scored on all counts! SB layouts are great! Pumpkins are great! And the kids looks awesome.