It is funny, but today is a weird day. I am sad, proud, worried, and concerned. Probably quite a few more feelings I can't put names to. My BABY BROTHER shipped out yesterday. He is a helicopter pilot for the Marines, and he has been shipped out to protect this wonderful country we call home! I am sad that he will be put in harm's way! I am proud that he is doing this for those of us benefitting our freedom! I am worried for his wife and our mom! I am concerned for not knowing the future!
My brother was BORN to do this. He was born and raised a military "brat" and knew early on that this was the life for him. He is living his dream! I know he will be safe, use his head, and come home to us! But I do feel bad for his wife and our mom! Kerri is from a small town here in Texas and is now away from her loved ones while her husband is gone! Think of her!
All for now...
Lights Out!
it's so hard when they are gone. There are just so many things that can happen even though our heads tell us they will be safe! I post with a group of Marine Moms and we just keep reminding each other that our boys are safer there than if they were home riding in cars with other teen boys. Of course your brother is a bit older, but it's the same thing. He is well trained and has all his buddies working to keep him safe.
Much love to your family.
God's Speed for a quick and safe return. Hugs to all!
We are free because they are brave! Thanks to John and family for serving our country!
Well Im here to introduce myself, making my rounds on the GBC blogs......Im sure that the emmotions that you are feeling are crazy....its got to be so tuff. I cant even imagine having someone close to me be in a situation like that.....the bravery of them all to be out there fighting for our country! My thoughts are with you and your family and especially his wife!
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