These are the moments... I have utter sadness for the fact that my own children are growing and will be moving on to the next grade level! I have utter sadness that the students that I have grown to know and love are moving on to the next grade level! And I have utter sadness to know I only have TWO MONTHS of free time to get everything I want to get done! However, I have TWO MONTHS of total free time to do whatever I want! Yes... it is THAT time of year... SUMMER! Precious summer! And yes, I completely understand that it doesn't seem fair to you all that do NOT get the next few weeks of precious free time... however, I bet if you were to come in and do what teachers do for a year, you might just think a tad differently. I am not saying we deserve the break MORE than anyone else, hell, what am I saying... Yes, I do!
So... as I prepare myself mentally to have my kids with me on a daily basis (I love having them with me, just can do without the constant bickering and whining about how they have NOTHING to do), I also know I need to thank the teachers that have without hesitation shown my own children the love of a parent away from home. I really do not have a ton of extra funds around the house to truly show them that they are beyond worth, so I generally fall back on home made gifts... personally as a teacher, I think those are the best, most meaningful kind! Here are the clips that the kids are giving their teachers.

And back when E was a mere pre-schooler, I got extremely emotional and wrote a little poem to her teacher. I gave it to all her teachers up to first grade. Now it is T's turn. So, here is what his teacher is getting. It isn't that I like to make people cry, but this does. And that means so much to me! I love these ladies for being the constant in my children's lives! Thank you!

OK, I think that is all my little brain can handle today... you will just have to check back for mindless rambling on another day!
Lights Out!