Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How does YOUR garden grow?

We don't have cockle shells (what are those anyway?) or little maids... but we DO have tomatoes AND a gate! I think we were just really surprised at how well our first plants were doing, so Chuck went back for MORE and MORE and MORE! We now have peppers (two kinds, jalepenos, cucumbers, and radishes to add to our summer salads) So... to keep the dog out of the veggies, he built a fence, and since T can't climb OVER the fence, he built a gate! All while cooking yummy BBQ on Memorial day!

And since it WAS Memorial day... I just HAD to "memorialize" something right? Isn't it also a day for scrapping memories? OK, so... this is what I made while he made the garden. I did go out and "help," but probably not as much as I should have... but it was HOT! I don't like it HOT! Used most of the end of my GBC May kit! Looking forward to June's (except that it will be my very last one).
Just a little layout about my daily addiction! Large Vanilla Dr Pepper Easy Ice!

Speaking of hot... we pulled THIS out... what a touching moment, huh? Yeah, that lasted a whopping 2.5 minutes! They were already at their throats first thing this morning! Summer is going to be LONG if I don't find a way for them to get along!

Lights Out!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sweet Nostalgia...

These are the moments... I have utter sadness for the fact that my own children are growing and will be moving on to the next grade level! I have utter sadness that the students that I have grown to know and love are moving on to the next grade level! And I have utter sadness to know I only have TWO MONTHS of free time to get everything I want to get done! However, I have TWO MONTHS of total free time to do whatever I want! Yes... it is THAT time of year... SUMMER! Precious summer! And yes, I completely understand that it doesn't seem fair to you all that do NOT get the next few weeks of precious free time... however, I bet if you were to come in and do what teachers do for a year, you might just think a tad differently. I am not saying we deserve the break MORE than anyone else, hell, what am I saying... Yes, I do!

So... as I prepare myself mentally to have my kids with me on a daily basis (I love having them with me, just can do without the constant bickering and whining about how they have NOTHING to do), I also know I need to thank the teachers that have without hesitation shown my own children the love of a parent away from home. I really do not have a ton of extra funds around the house to truly show them that they are beyond worth, so I generally fall back on home made gifts... personally as a teacher, I think those are the best, most meaningful kind! Here are the clips that the kids are giving their teachers.

And back when E was a mere pre-schooler, I got extremely emotional and wrote a little poem to her teacher. I gave it to all her teachers up to first grade. Now it is T's turn. So, here is what his teacher is getting. It isn't that I like to make people cry, but this does. And that means so much to me! I love these ladies for being the constant in my children's lives! Thank you!

OK, I think that is all my little brain can handle today... you will just have to check back for mindless rambling on another day!

Lights Out!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Two in Two...

Now this is one for the record books! But it will be short and non-rambling! Made this with that great May kit over at GBC! Lainey is just rocking out these kits! I am hoping to get some teacher gifts made with this kit! They will love them!
Check back later... I might get some random brain fart and have something truly memorable to say! OK, so probably not! :)
Lights Out!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Out of the fog...

The trip went well! Had its ups and downs, but it is over, I slept over forty hours between Friday night and Monday morning! It is over! Aren't we adorable... these are the amazing ladies that helped me through this past week! Love them!

Mother's day was wonderful! Chuck and the kidlets were amazing! Breakfast, fun treats, relaxing day, and a visit to the park just made it so worthwhile! Definitely a happy day for me!

I got TWO projects done for Lainey's amazing May kit over at GBC but didn't have a chance to post them here before I left! I have another project done and two in the works to be done real soon... check back for those! This first one is about my amazing mom... Just loved how easy this kit was to work with...

This is going to be a clock. I just need to get the clock works to get it put together! Will make a perfect addition to my scraproom!

Hope to get on here more often now that the trip is over! And definitely get more scrapping in! Summer just can't be sooner!

And as much as I am looking forward to having summer come, I am not ready to be the mother of a 7th grader and a six year old... just a tad of nostalgia here!

More later...

Lights Out
