Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to take this opportunity to tell each one of you Merry Christmas. May the joy of the season envelope you all!
Just wanted to take this opportunity to tell each one of you Merry Christmas. May the joy of the season envelope you all!
Posted by
9:24 AM
I am not a stalker by any means. I actually met you through a podcast you did on the GBC kit I was designing for, and then met you in person at CKC Houston, and then saw you again at CHA Chicago this past summer. But I am not stalking you! I promise!
What I do want to attempt at this point is to tell you thank you! And I don't know how else to say it, but just out right!
Posted by
9:28 AM
Thanks to my teaching buddy Kelly I was tagged... Now this isn't my first time being tagged, and I am afraid as random as I am, there isn't a whole lot more random to post about... seeing an idea from another place, I decided to blog 7 random things about the Monkeys! I will start with Monkey #1...
1. The lizard that inhabits my scraproom is hers. She asked for a lizard for her 11th birthday... what eleven year old girl does that? Now if I can get her to take care of it without asking! HA!
2. She is NOT a morning monkey! Her alarm wakes me up, but doesn't seem to pull her out of her snoring slumber.
3. She works her tail off at school and we are so proud of her.
4. She loves to run! She doesn't come by that naturally as we don't run!
5. She is over-the-top about Jonas Brothers right now... I am still trying to figure out what that is about... but then again, I am not 13
6. Her favorite color combination right now is brown and turquoise.
7. She is so precious to us and we are amazed at what an amazing young lady she is turning into! We love you!
Look for T another day!
Now, to make this official... I am supposed to tag 7 other people and link and such... well, I should be putting potatoes in the oven... so consider yourself tagged!
Lights out!
Posted by
4:30 PM
Have you all been to Lainey's blog? If not, and are rushing to get teacher/neighbor/coworker gifts made... GO NOW! You can win as well! The girls over there were busy making our lives easier. How do I know... cuz it really kick started my mojo... Lookie what the kids' teachers, our neighbors, the daycare aides, and my coworkers are getting! I did these along with 29 thank you cards, finished addressing/stamping my Christmas cards, and wrote my annual letter ALL THIS WEEKEND!
Altered Dollar Spot calendars: I always make MINE, but I never thought of making personalized ones for everyone else!
Ornaments: This is an annual tradition of mine. But I was at a loss for what to do this year!
Altered frap bottles: I did this for Halloween once... but Christmas... ingenious! And with so many day care aides, this was PERFECT for them whole group! I will say I was a little... HIGH ON CAFFEINE by the time I was done!
On the homefront... It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Here are some shots of the tree, and our "little" pooch helping with the lights!
This is probably one of the prettiest trees we have gotten in a long time! I think next I will take photos of things around the house! We have such huge sentimental goodies, and I want to document it!
Lights Out!
Posted by
2:08 PM
Posted by
10:50 AM
Have any of you met Lain Ehmann or had a chance to read her blog or had a chance to catch Snippets? NO? Well, I have been counting down the days until the release of her book... and then to find the time and a place to get it!
Posted by
3:14 PM
1. Twilight... yes, I read the books (all 4 in 9 days), waited in line to see the movie (have my opinions), but love THIS review by Annette over at GBC! She got it all correct in my eyes, so why write it over again! Thanks for letting me borrow your words, Annette!
2. Germs... yep, we all got it and they stayed with us all throughout the week. Now we are all just hacking messes!
3. Thanksgiving... it was nice! Mom and Dad came down and we had a nice quiet lunch. Chuck did all the cooking even though he was sicker than a dog!
4. Black Friday... been there done that, but we did it in moderation this year! I did get a GREAT deal on a pair of pants, and I got Chuck's Christmas present! I am so stoked! I do this though, I think it is a great idea, then I worry the entire time whether or not he will like it, is it goofy, etc! He never asks for anything, so it is hard!
5. Handmade for the Holidays... Lainey has it PEGGED with this. Go read her blog and see what fun she has in store from GBC! A great way to get those gifts taken care of without a lot of $$ in our pockets... Can you say TEACHER gifts! Great job girl!
6. Card Central... yep... my cards are done! I have made 58 of them, and once I get the list done, I will see how many more I need to do! Extremely simple this year!
7. Homemade Studio... OK, I did it again this year... had an idea for that "perfect" Christmas photo... I really like them, but for now you only get to see the extras... I want the "real" family one to show up in Christmas cards. I will post it AFTER they go out in the mail!
Here are the kids... I can't believe I got two of them!And my 13 year old! I am still working on the color of these... but whatcha think?
Lights Out!
Posted by
10:22 AM