We head into Costa Maya today for a little "Beach Break!" Not much for sandy/salty feeling, but the kids should enjoy the time ashore! Haven't taken many photos... today's goal: photos of Penny and James and Chuck and me! I really want some good ones of us!

Costa Maya at the port is about all that there is left of this little area. Obviously it has been absolutely devestated by the hurricane last year. The mangroves were just gone, houses gone, waterfronts gone!

The beach break turned to be quite pleasant. It was hot but not stifling, as there was always a breeze. Got settled into a great group of chairs after "beating" the college girls to it! I wanted those chairs, and by goodness, we were getting them! They took all the good chairs at the main pool all day yesterday! so HA!
Back to normal broadcasting!
They also had hammocks everywhere, so the kids had to give those a shot! Decided that they would rather swim...
A couple of urchin shells ready to go home... **yes, they made it all the way home**

They had great kayaks available to us, so T and I went out for a short run. Chuck and I went out later for a longer run. Almost tipped the kayak over chasing down a sea star, but Chuck was determined he was getting it. Just to put it right back where it belonged!
James picked up some snorkeling gear and T took right to it. I couldn't believe how easily he found it! He would give us a thumbs up when he saw something.

After a few drinks, a few rays of sun, pictures galore **even of the adults**, and a lot of laughs we were headed back to the ship. We didn't want to be stuck on the last few bus rides back with all those drunk college kids! They were hot, sticky, and drunk!

On the way back to the ship, the blue water reflected off the side of the boat! It just doesn't look real does it?

Back at the ship it was more of a day like yesterday. Stopped back into Raffles for lunch. The Indian food was amazing! More pool, more ping pong, and more relaxing!
Headed to the room for showers and changing... the sunset was to be RIGHT at the time we were heading to dinner! Determination set in! I got part of it, but right before it hit the water, the boat TURNED to leave port! Am I not meant to GET the photo! This one will work for today... there is always tomorrow...

We ate at the French restaurant Le Bistro for dinner! Oh My Gosh! My favorite meal of the entire trip! Mussels AND escargot... all you can eat! It was just too hard to believe! I ate the vegetarian Napolean **trust me I like meat** but this was divine! French creme brulee beat out the crepes! They almost had to roll me out of there!
Second City **where a ton of former comedians got their fame** was performing a family friendly show! It was hysterical! But to add to the entertainment was the large older gentleman that fell asleep behind T and me! He was snoring and NOT quietly! It was so funny!
Can't wait to see what Guatamala has to bring!
Lights Out!