
Posted by
12:30 PM
That was the question! The big day was this past weekend! The wedding went off without a hitch... except for ONE! ONE minute before T was supposed to walk up the aisle to meet the best man, he planted his feet, put his hands behind his back, and said, "Nope!" He didn't do it! Thankfully, the important photos (for me) were taken BEFORE the wedding!
Posted by
10:31 AM
Posted by
9:00 AM
Wow... has it been that long since you heard from me? Are you STILL coming by? Have you gotten SO bored with me that you just left? Well, if you are still here... Thanks! But if you don't like photos of stuff concerning me, turn back now!
OK... Easter was great! T had his little easter party at school and I got this GREAT shot of him! I have been loving these photos where they are set up in the third of the photo! Have a ton of horrible tries, and THIS accident! LOVED how it turned out!
Went to my parents house for the Easter weekend with the idea that we were going to maintenance and RIDE the jet ski, clean and use the kayaks, ride bikes... basically all kinds of fun spring weather activities... This is what happened instead! Needless to say we spent a bunch of time INDOORS!
And FINALLY... My doors are INSTALLED! Aren't they amazing! One step closer to having the studio of my dreams! Whoda thunkit? ME with a studio! Furniture is NEXT! Come by and play with me in my new Sudio!
Lights Out!
Posted by
12:05 PM
OK... so we woke up like any other Saturday morning this past weekend! E goes shopping with my MIL to get a dress for my nephew's wedding, so Chuck, T and I hit the errands! While at Home Depot, Chuck says, "So... wanna get the paint for your scraproom!" I pretty much RUN to the paint section to order my BEHR Green Tea paint!
Decide I better get the room cleaned up in case he gets the bug to USE the paint! Sunday we wake up and he gets ready to leave... when I ask him where he is going, he says... "off to Home Depot to get your French Doors!" I almost FELL out of bed! Here is what it looks like so far! Actually at this time, the doors are back down and are primered in the garage! We have to do the other side, and then paint them! I got CUTE door knobs for them as well! Now to get all my scrap crap back inside! It was GREAT that he is doing this with me, but BAD because now he sees all my stuff!
Here it is BEFORE the transformation, but after I threw TWO garbage bags of junk and about 70 pounds of old scrap magazines away!
Here is the paint! BEHR Green Tea! Doesn't it just scream creative calmness?
And the French doors... We put them up just to make sure that they fit! They will be white like the baseboards!
I should take a picture of our study where everything is just PILED up! We plan on getting some shelving units and a new desk to go in there!
Lights Out!
Posted by
11:34 AM